LIVE BLOG: #RejectFinanceBill2024 - Tuesday Finance Bill Protest

All Saints
A tense moment after police fired tear gas at the All Saints Cathedral.
All Saints Cathedral

The youth-led protests against the government’s plans to raise revenue through additional taxes have already begun in some parts of the country this morning, coinciding with the lawmakers' vote on proposed amendments to the bill.

Protestors are demanding the government drop the Finance Bill 2024 in its entirety, despite the amendments made to drop some of the most contentious proposals.

This blog will provide near real-time updates on all happenings around the protests in all parts of the country. 

Protests are unfolding in major cities, including Nairobi, Nakuru, Kisumu, Nyeri, Eldoret, Kakamega, Kwale, Kisii, Kakamega, Narok, Hola, and Turkana with varying degrees of intensity and unrest. 

5:30pm: 5 Fatally Wounded, 13 Seriously Injured, 11 with Minor Injuries in Protest - Amnesty International

Five people have been fatally shot while aiding the injured during ongoing protests, according to Amnesty International. 

The violence has also resulted in 31 injuries: 13 individuals were shot with live bullets, four with rubber bullets, three struck by launcher canisters, and 11 sustaining minor injuries.

The Kenya Red Cross confirmed that its staff were among those targeted, with several members wounded in the unrest. These incidents point  the escalating danger faced by both protestors and humanitarian workers.

"Our vehicles have been attacked. Staff and volunteers injured," stated Red Cross.

Amnesty International's report highlights the extent of the turmoil, revealing that in the past 24 hours alone, 21 people have been abducted or disappeared at the hands of both uniformed and non-uniformed officers. Among those abducted are Shadrack Kiprono (now released), Kevin Monari, Zadock Nyamari Monari, Gabriel Oguda, Andrew Mwangi, John Frank Ngemi, Avugwi Chagusia, Chebet Kirui (Nakuru), Brian Nzavi Ngula, Harriet Nyongesa, and Ernest Nyerere (now released).

In addition to the abductions, at least 52 individuals have been arrested, painting a grim picture of the current situation in Kenya. The ongoing protests, marked by violence and human rights violations, continue to grip the nation, raising urgent concerns among local and international observers.

4:20PM - Police Shoot at Medics & Red Cross Volunteers at Holy Family Basilica

Dramatic scenes unfolded at the Holy Family Basilica as doctors and medical personnel drawn from Red Cross Kenya, set up makeshift treatment tents to aid injured protestors amid ongoing clashes with police near the Parliament Building. 

Despite the risk of teargas and bullets fired by police, medical teams courageously tended to those wounded in the escalating unrest.

The medics have continued to treat injured protestors at the venue despite the flying bullets and teargas.

Live pictures show tense moments as police targeted medics with teargas, despite their visibly raised hands and commitment to providing aid. 

The Holy Family Basilica, previously criticised for not opening its doors to protestors, became a vital sanctuary today, transforming into a frontline medical station amidst the chaos.

3:45pm - Protestors Torch Section of City Hall

In a dramatic escalation of anti-finance bill demonstrations, protestors not only stormed Parliament Buildings but also set ablaze offices at Nairobi City Hall, which houses key administrative offices including those of Governor Johnson Sakaja. 

Video footage seen by captured the intense scenes as parts of the City Hall went up in flames amidst clashes between protestors and police along City Hall Way.

The unrest began with confrontations on City Hall Way before protestors moved towards Parliament, driven by mounting anger over the proposed finance bill. 

Streets across Nairobi swelled with hundreds of thousands of protestors expressing deep-seated opposition to the bill's provisions, which include significant tax increases and austerity measures.

The scenes point to the palpable tension gripping the capital, where protestors vented their frustrations with fervour.

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2:55pm - Protestors Breach Parliament Walls 

Thousands of protestors have stormed Parliament buildings as Azimio MPs join the demonstrators outside.

Live footage shows protestors entering the Parliament premises through a section of the fence that was brought down moments ago.

The scenes inside and outside Parliament are chaotic and tense, characterised by confusion. Police are using live bullets in desperate efforts to stop the protestors.

Both MPs and Senators were present at Parliament. MPs had just adjourned their sitting for lunch, while the Senate was back for their afternoon session.

The status of the MPs remains unclear.

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2:40pm - Police Open Fire as Protesters Are Shot Outside Parliament 

The situation at the Parliament building is tense, with plain-clothed officers seen organising themselves around the premises, guns pointed at protesters.

Two people have been shot outside the KICC gate along Parliament Road, with unconfirmed reports indicating the protestors are dead. The number remains unclear, some quarters are reporting that five people have been shot.

Protesters have torched a police lorry used to barricade the road.

A section of the Parliament building's fence, adjacent to the former Intercontinental Hotel, has been vandalised.

Police have fired several shots into the air.

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2:20pm - Protesters Near Parliament Building Amid Intense Clashes

For the first time since the protests began last week, demonstrators are just a hair's breadth away from the Parliament Building.

Currently, protesters are gathered at the Holy Family Basilica.

The protesters are clashing with police, who are attempting to push them back with water cannons and teargas, but the demonstrators are not backing down.

Live images from Parliament show frantic scenes outside the gates as police mobilise to counter the protesters.

The protesters had announced their intention to occupy Parliament.

Legislators have taken a lunch break, with MPs expected to make the final vote on the Bill this afternoon.

Already, the MPs have voted for the Bill to progress to the Third Reading, the final stage in Parliament.

2:00pm - Emergency Medical Resources Strained Amidst Chaotic Nairobi Protests

Calls are emerging for more emergency medical vehicles and officers in Nairobi, as the protests in the capital continue to escalate. Reports indicate that doctors have been overwhelmed by the surge in medical emergencies.

Dr Mercy Korir shared on X that the majority of cases involve gunshot wounds and injuries caused by teargas canisters.

“Nairobi #MedicsForKenya reporting that the serious injuries are either gunshot wounds from live bullets or those inflicted by teargas canisters,” she wrote.

In response, the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists Dentists Union (KMPDU) has announced that they are offering free services to all injured protestors in the capital. Former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has contributed seven ambulances, while the County, St John Ambulance, and Red Cross Kenya teams are also providing support.

Dr Korir stated that more ambulances and supplies are urgently needed to assist the medics offering free health services to injured protesters.

1:45pm - Mombasa Governor Joins Anti-Finance Bill Protestors

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sheriff Nassir has joined the anti-finance bill protestors in Mombasa.

Demonstrating his commitment to his constituents, the governor opened his office doors to listen to the protestors, emphasising that it is the moral duty of leaders to heed their voices.

“Young protesters exercising their democratic right to picket today paid me a visit in my office,” Governor Nassir stated.

The protests in Mombasa have remained peaceful, with no incidents reported so far.

1:30pm - Live Bullets Reported in Nairobi Protests, Four Shot

There are reports that police are using live bullets against protesters in Nairobi. So far, we have received reports that four people have allegedly been shot by the police.

Unverified reports suggest that two protesters have been fatally shot. Among those who have been allegedly shot is an AFP journalist Collins Olunga. 

Police and protesters are engaged in running battles at the gate of the Supreme Court. Protesters are pushing to reach the Parliament Buildings.

This comes as thousands of people have been seen heading to the CBD along Thika Road. Another huge group has been seen at the Serena Hotel headed to join the other protestors engaging police along City Hall Way.

This group from Valley Road have merged with other protestors. 

The protests have attracted huge masses of people in Nairobi, and police are struggling to contain the demonstrations that have erupted in several parts of the city.

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12:00pm - Police Barricade Ngong Road, Thika Road and Mombasa Road

Reports indicate that police have erected roadblocks on major arteries leading to Nairobi's central business district (CBD), including Ngong Road, Thika Road, and Mombasa Road.

The measures are aimed at regulating access to the CBD amid escalating protests against the Finance Bill 2024.

Thousands of demonstrators have gathered in Nairobi, protesting various aspects of the Finance Bill currently under scrutiny in Parliament.

Authorities have preemptively closed roads leading to Parliament to ensure the safety of lawmakers engaged in deliberations over the bill's clauses and recent amendments.

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In a significant development, protestors in the CBD have reportedly damaged one of the water cannons deployed by police to disperse crowds.

At GPO, demonstrators surrounded an armoured water cannon, some even climbing on top of the vehicle, as officers attempted unsuccessfully to navigate through the crowd.

The situation remains fluid as more protestors converge on the CBD, amplifying tensions amid ongoing demonstrations against the Finance Bill.

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11:45am - Police Allegedly Shoot and Injure Protester in Nairobi

In Nairobi, a protester was reportedly shot and injured around 10:45 am local time today. Live footage captured the protester lying on the ground and showed frantic attempts to rush them to an ambulance.

The incident occurred near Kenyatta Avenue, close to Imenti House, where police allegedly fired the shot. The protester was swiftly transported to a hospital by a Nairobi City County Ambulance, though their current condition remains undisclosed.

This incident follows recent fatalities linked to police actions during protests. On Thursday, police allegedly shot and killed protester Rex Masai, and another protester, Evans Kiratu, reportedly succumbed to injuries sustained from police beatings at Kenyatta National Hospital on Friday.

Human rights groups have reported over 100 injuries stemming from ongoing demonstrations against the controversial finance bill.

11:30am - Chaos Erupts as Teargas Fired into Nairobi Minibus

A video circulating online depicts a chaotic scene near the junction of Kenyatta Avenue and Tom Mboya Street, where police officers allegedly lobbed teargas into a crowded minibus.

The footage captures desperate passengers attempting to escape through closed windows of the 32-seater bus, while bystanders struggle unsuccessfully to open the shut door.

Amidst the panic, most windows remain closed, trapping passengers inside as teargas fill the vehicle. The situation intensifies as two passengers are seen stuck at a window in their desperate bid to exit.

Finally, after frantic efforts, the door is opened, allowing passengers to evacuate and diffuse the tense situation.

11:15am - Voice on the Street 

One protestor in Nairobi has criticised the use of teargas on protestors claiming the protestors are peaceful. 

“Police in this country are puppets. They are following Ruto’s orders. We are young people, and we are tired of this nation. We have come here to challenge the system today. We have come out large in numbers. These police we are also fighting for their rights. They should not treat us like this. We are peaceful,” states a protestor in Nairobi.

10:35am - Protestor Severely Injured in Nairobi

In Nairobi, the situation has escalated into chaos as demonstrators clash with police officers in running battles. 

Authorities have deployed tear gas along Kenyatta Avenue near the Imenti Building to disperse the crowds. Anti-riot police have been seen using batons and tear gas to chase away groups of protestors.

The confrontation has already resulted in injuries, with one protestor hurt during a skirmish outside Naiva Moi Avenue. The protestor is being aided by other good samaritans to find medical aid. He has received assistance from a Nairobi City County Ambulance.

Police have arrested several protestors in Nairobi as well.

Meanwhile, the protests in Nakuru and Mombasa remain peaceful, with no reported incidents of violence or unrest. Eldoret has also maintained a calm atmosphere, contrasting sharply with the turmoil in the capital.

The unfolding events highlight the volatile and varied nature of the demonstrations across the country.

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9:00am - Activists Detained Ahead of Finance Bill Protests

Even before the protests began on Tuesday, reports emerged that police had detained several people suspected of organising the demonstrations.

Vocal social media and political activist Gabriel Oguda was among nine people rounded up at dawn on Tuesday, June 25, just hours before the Finance Bill protests.

Osama Otero, known for his popular X Spaces opposing the Finance Bill 2024, was also reportedly abducted by unknown individuals.

Other X users suspected to have been abducted include Drey Mwangi, TemperCR7, Harriet, Shad, Franje, Worldsmith, and Hilla254.

In his last message before going offline, Gabriel Oguda remarked that police were at his gate.


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8:45am - Current Situation

Protests have already begun in Nairobi, with a group of protestors near Archives area already clashing with police officers.

The number of youths at the moment is few, but that is expected to change.

The situation in the capital remains tense, with a majority of shops closed and security heightened across the city.

My colleague Washington Mito has written in detail about the situation in the capital.

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8:30am - Parliamentary Proceedings

Today, MPs will vote on the proposed amendments to the bill. Members of parliament will not discuss areas of the bill that are not subject to amendments.

Once passed by parliament, President Ruto would have to sign it into law within 14 days or send it back to parliament for further amendments.

It is also unclear whether the protests will intensify should parliament pass the bill. The social media-driven protests lack clear leadership structures, but many young people have pledged to keep demonstrating.

At least one person has been killed and more than 200 injured since protests against the finance bill swept the country earlier this month.

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8:15am - President's Response

Already, President William Ruto has expressed openness to have a dialogue with organisers of the protests, even as claims of abductions among key figures around the protests intensify.

Ruto said Sunday that he was ready for "a conversation" with thousands of "peaceful" young protesters who held nationwide demonstrations this week to oppose proposed tax increases.

"I am very proud of our young people... they have stepped forward peacefully and I want to tell them we are going to engage them," Ruto said in his first public comments on the protests.

"We are going to have a conversation so that together we can build a greater nation," Ruto said during a church service in the Rift Valley town of Nyahururu.

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