Kidero Fires 'Garbage' Minister

Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero on Tuesday fired the County Executive in charge of Environment, Water, Energy and Natural resources, Evans Ondieki.

In a letter to the County staff, Governor Kidero indicated that Ondieki had ceased to be an employee of the County Government and appointed Tom Odongo, the County Executive for Urban Renewal and Housing, to take over the office in an acting capacity.

Kidero did not indicate reasons behind Ondiek's sacking.

Ondieki's dismissal comes days after Kidero reshuffled his cabinet stating: “I have reviewed the functions of my Government and re-organised it to give Nairobians better service delivery that will ensure that the capital city remains the City of Choice to Invest, Work and Live in”.

Ondieki's termination comes at a time when residents of Nairobi have constantly complained of garbage menace turning the Capital to a filthy City. Following the public outrage over poor management of garbage, Kidero marshalled stakeholders to solve the problem in selected areas within the county.

Until recently Mr Ondieki had been spotted accompanying the Governor in various functions within the county and even to a church service at Seventh Day Adventist Church, Mathare North . 

However, there has been speculations around the official's sacking with some Kenyans on social media claiming the Minister conspired to fix the Governor in the Sh200 Million bribery scandal involving a Supreme Court Judge.