Five more priests from the Anglican Church of Kenya are now being investigated for allegedly engaging in homosexuality.
According to the church, the five from Mt. Kenya region are married and have children even as their wives remain unaware of their husbands' hidden sexual orientation.
Bishop Joseph Kagunda of the Mount Kenya West Diocese, confirmed that the church had set up a tribunal to probe the matter mid this year, the Nation reports.
Ironically, the priests under investigation are said to have been offering marriage counselling sessions to couples among the faithfuls of the church.
“The church is ashamed to be associated with them,” rebuked Bishop Kagunda.
Last week the Anglican Church suspended one of its priests for allegedly luring four young men to the vicar's house, where it is reported he forced them to sleep with him.
Bishop Kagunda also told the Nation that the church had established that some of the accused preachers all over the country had been engaging with fellow priests for a long time.
The Anglican Church in selected parts in the world allow same-sex marriages. But Bishop Kagunda who admitted that there had been immense pressure for the Anglican Church of Kenya to follow suit, said firmly that the church would not go that direction.
Same-sex marriages remain illegal in Kenya and many other African countries.