Okiya Omtatah Sues Uhuru

Activist Okiya Omtatah sued President Uhuru Kenyatta over Chief Administrative Secretary & Principal Secretary positions.

Speaking to Kenyans.co.ke, Omtatah stated that he had sued the President, Attorney General Githu Muigai, the Public Service Commission and National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi.

Omtatah maintained that he filed the petition after President Kenyatta created the new position of Chief Administrative Secretary in his Cabinet which he claims is contrary to the law.

“The President is the first respondent, then the Attorney General, the PSC and the Speaker of the House Justin Muturi,” Omtatah stated.

[caption caption="Activist Okiya Omtatah"][/caption]

“President Uhuru did not follow the law and the Attorney General acted together with the Public Service Commission outside the law,” he added.

Omtatah further stated that the lawsuit also sought to bar the House Speaker from accepting the names of the nominees in Parliament.

“The Speaker is the fourth respondent in the petition, was petitioned to prevent him from accepting the names of the appointees who were hand-picked rather than be recommended,” Omtatah maintained.

The National Assembly Speaker chairs the Committee on Appointments that is mandated to vet CS appointees while those picked for Principal Secretary positions are vetted by departmental committees.

When making the announcement for the nominations on Friday, President Kenyatta maintained he had notified and passed the list to Mr Muturi.

[caption caption=" President Uhuru Kenyatta"][/caption]

However, on Sunday, the Speaker stated that Parliament had not received the names because the President read them late in the afternoon.